Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
To bring together all Strathclyders working on socially progressive AI (or wanting to add an AI angle to their research), Professor Guido Noto La Diega and Dr Esperanza Miyake are launching the Socially Progressive AI Forum.
How can we individually and collectively use AI in ethical, inclusive, and conscientious ways that are socially progressive? Is there such a thing as "good" AI for social benefit? What does a socially responsible futurity in AI look like, and what can we do to assist a just transition to AI?
The Socially Progressive AI Forum will tackle these and other pressing questions through an interdisciplinary, collaborative and critical lens. As societies, institutions and States rush to embrace and implement AI technologies across all sectors - often with insufficient scrutiny - the Forum will be a space to pause, think and critically engage with a range of issues surrounding AI and society that will affect research, policy and praxis.