Social Work And Social Policy (Subject) (Organisational unit)

    Activity: Membership typesMembership of committee


    I have always been a member of The Department of Social Work & Social Policy's Practice Assessment Panel since employed at the University. This panel is convened when there are concerns about a student's practice on placement. The primary aim of the panel is to assist students and practice teachers to devise action plans to assist the student to pass the placement, however the panel also deals with students whose conduct on placement has given cause for concern and may be breaching the Scottish Social Service Council's Codes of Practice. These panels can ultimately lead to termination of training and referral to a Fitness to Practice Panel convened by the University. I have sat on many of these panels and fitness to practice panels during my time at the University. I have been advised that my extensive practice knowledge has been invaluable on these panels.
    Period1 Aug 20031 Aug 2024
    Degree of RecognitionRegional