Scottish Higher Education: A brief overview, challenges, opportunities and some personal reflections.

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Scottish Higher Education: A brief overview, challenges, opportunities and some personal reflections

This invited presentation to the first Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review (TQER) Reviewer Training provided, at QAA Scotland’s request, a contextual overview of Scotland’s Higher Education sector and the implications and potential impact of the introduction of the Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework with a particular emphasis on the implementation of the Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review (TQER) methodology.

The presentation provided and overview of the HE Scotland, the challenges facing the sector and a University perspective on the Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework and the related peer review process. Key topics covered were:

Scotland’s Higher Education Sector
UK & Scotland Policy and Funding Landscape
Funding and Policy Context and Challenges
Opportunities linked to the Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework (TQEF)
Opportunities linked to the Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review (TQER) process and reflections for a reviewer perspective
TQEF and TQEF - Next steps, priorities and actions

There has been significant change – but core principles, commitments and approaches remain at the forefront of our thinking and actions.
Period13 Nov 2024
Event typeConference
LocationStirlingShow on map


  • Scottish Higher Education
  • Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework (TQEF)
  • UK & Scotland Policy and Funding Landscape Funding Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review (TQER)