Member, Inter-agency Task Force on COVID-19 Pandemic and Children and Alternative Care (External organisation)

Activity: Membership typesMembership of committee


Member of the Inter-agency Task Force on COVID-19 Pandemic and Children and Alternative Care and contributing author

"Technical Note on the Protection of Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Children and Alternative Care", Annex to the "Technical Note: Protection Of Children During The Covid-19 Pandemic"

"Children And Alternative Care: Key Approaches to Response"
Annex to the "Inter-agency Technical Note on The Protection Of Children During The Covid-19 Pandemic: "

Role: Member of the Inter-agency Task Force on COVID-19 Pandemic and Children and Alternative Care and contributing author
PeriodMay 2020Aug 2020
Held atMember, Inter-agency Task Force on COVID-19 Pandemic and Children and Alternative Care, United States
Degree of RecognitionInternational