María Zambrano: Pathways to Poetic Reason (online lecture series at the Instituto Cervantes, Manchester)

  • Beatriz Caballero Rodriguez (Speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


Poetic reason constitutes María Zambrano’s greatest contribution to the intellectual history. Standing at the intersection between philosophy, literature, mysticism, poetic reason is, first and foremost, Zambrano’s answer to the crisis of Western thought and civilization. But what is poetic reason? How does it work? Did Zambrano always make poetic reason? What does making poetic reason mean? These are some of the questions we will address in the course of these two sessions in order to gain an understanding of what poetic reason is and how it works.

This series will consist of two sessions:

4 Feb 2021: 'The Horizon of Poetic Reason'
11 Feb 2021: 'Poetic Reason: Some Key Readings'.
Period4 Feb 202111 Feb 2021
Held atInstituto Cervantes (Manchester), Spain
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Maria Zambrano
  • Spanish Philosophy