Lu Ying

Activity: Hosting a visitor typesHosting an external, non-academic visitor


Visit of a governmental delegation from the people's republic of China

The department of Biomedical engineering was approached by a Chinese governmental representative, The Fandi group Ltd, with the request to visit the Department of Biomedical Engineering on Friday September 28 with a Chinese delegation. The aim was to establish links with University of Strathclyde in relation to our rehabilitation program including; P&O research, education and knowledge exchange (KE). In addition, interest was expressed in relation to professional upgrading of clinically active Chinese clinicians.The delegation consisted of six prominent governmental officials:1.陆颖 Mr Lu Ying, Director General, Department of Social Welfare & Charity Promotion, Ministry of Civil Affairs.2.甄炳良 Mr Zhen Bingliang, Deputy Director General, Department of Social Work, Ministry of Civil Affairs.3.胡振全 Mr Hu Zhenquan, Director, Department of Policies, Laws and Regulations, Ministry of Civil Affairs.4.罗新 Ms Luo Xin, Director, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Civil Affairs.5.陈鲁南 Mr Chen Lunan, Deputy Director, Department of Social Welfare & Charity Promotion, Ministry of Civil Affairs.6.王金霞 Ms Wang Jinxia, Program Officer, Department of Social Welfare & Charity Promotion, Ministry of Civil Affairs. A full day programme was delivered which included tours of the NCPO and Wolfson facilities and presentations in relation to undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, research and KE activities.
Period28 Sept 2012
Visiting fromMinistry of Civil Affairs (China)
Visitor degreeMinistry of Civil A