Activity: Talk or presentation types › Oral presentation
The LMC 1 meeting The meetings should review progress against the objectives agreed. The meetings should lead to clear agreement of actions to be taken, who is responsible for carrying them out and the timescales involved. LMC1 Agenda: 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes of the previous meeting 3. Chairman’s Report 4. Associate’s Presentation 5. Agree Associate’s objectives 6. Knowledge Base Supervisor’s Report 7. Financial Statement and commitment of funds 8. Facilitator’s Report 9. Final Report 10. KTP Adviser’s Report 11. Links to West of Scotland KTP Centre 12. AOB 13. Date of next meeting 14. Reserved Business Attendees: Peter Body (LMC Chair), Lilia Potseluyko Amobi, KTP Associate, Jason Fraser, Norscot Joinery Limited; Ian Heywood, Innovate UK; Farzad Pour Rahimian Leilabadi, University of Strathclyde; Ellen Simpson, Norscot Joinery Limited; Carol Thomson, West of Scotland KTP Centre.