Activity: Talk or presentation types › Invited talk
StrathSDR, the Software Defined Radio research team at the University of Strathclyde, has been working in the area of “shared spectrum” under various guises for about the last 10 years, starting with TV White Space, and now oriented towards 5G / 6G advanced communications. In shared spectrum, designated bands of frequencies can be shared, geographically and temporally, based on a more dynamic mode of spectrum licensing and access than traditional, fixed licences.
This talk will provide an overview of StrathSDR’s activities in shared spectrum, noting the opportunities and challenges of Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA). The use of SDR hardware and software to implement real radio systems in shared spectrum bands will be discussed, including from the perspective of creating flexible architectures, and incorporating spectrum monitoring and machine learning algorithms. Additionally, some of StrathSDR’s recent research and open-source projects will be highlighted as these may be relevant for the wider community.