Digital twins (DT) as virtual replicas of physical systems are widely used to improve the safety of processes, across various sectors. Current DTs don’t give a holistic image of safety issues. Several Human factors can trigger workers’ risky behaviour which can affect health and safety. Integrating human elements into DTs is crucial. Recently, human digital twins (HDT) have been introduced as digital replicas of physical aspects, primarily for personalized healthcare.The Human Digital Twin for Enhancing Occupational Health and Safety Workshop focus on the application of HDTs as enablers of safer working environments. The workshop bring together experts from industry and academia to explore the potential of HDTs in enhancing Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and address the challenges related to their development, integration, and uptake.
The project aims to identify a network of interested parties with different skills and backgrounds and bring them together to identify OHS issues that can be solved using human digital twins.
The workshop feature mix of plenary sessions and breakouts covering (among others) topics such as OHS in manufacturing, Digital Twins for manufacturing, advances in sensing technology, AI and ethics. Keynote speakers will include experts from National Manufacturing Institute of Scotland (NMIS), FC Labs, and the University of Strathclyde.
Period | 24 Jun 2024 |
Event type | Workshop |