Heritage for society: critical questions for research and practice

  • Eirini Gallou (Speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentation typesInvited talk


ow can heritage studies contribute to the discussion of how heritage brings positive social impact and reduces social inequalities across communities? This presentation builds on current research priorities and work at Historic England’s Policy and Evidence, Analytics team. Looking at existing tools and approaches that heritage science and heritage studies, rooted in wider humanities studies, provide to address some of these challenges and answer core research questions.

This webinar aims to empower young heritage managers and research professionals to use their skills and knowledge to support socially relevant heritage institutions, gather data that support good evaluations and impact statements, drive innovation in the heritage sector and make the best of heritage as a resource to generate social impact. Exploring core research questions of interest around the social value of heritage for individual wellbeing and societal cohesion, and identifyng gaps in our understanding of the relationship between heritage and communities through various ways of ‘engagement’. Heritage studies and heritage science can provide key insights, in relation to methodological approaches as well as applicable insights, to achieve socially sustainable management approaches.
Period28 Oct 2021
Held atUCL, ISH
Degree of RecognitionInternational