Graduate careers in (times of) crisis

  • Rita Hordósy (Organiser)
  • Luchinskaya, D. (Organiser)
  • Ciaran Burke (Organiser)
  • Heike Behle (Organiser)
  • Manny Manny Madriaga (Organiser)
  • Sonia Ilie (Organiser)
  • Richard Budd (Organiser)

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesOrganiser of special symposia


The Graduate Careers In (Times Of) Crisis event was co-hosted by the Student Access and Experience and Employability and Enterprise and Work-based Learning Networks and took place on 16 June 2021. The aim of the event was to provide evidence from the UK on the early impact of the pandemic on graduates’ experiences, and to explore how careers advice, information and guidance has changed with social distancing, as well as reflecting on the broader labour market context. Presentations by Scott Hurrell (Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow) on the class of 2020 (Graduating in a Pandemic) and Kate Purcell (University of Warwick Emeritus Professor) on the class of 2009/10 (Futuretrack) highlighted research findings about graduates’ early and mid-careers. Susan Bird (Careers & Employability Manager, University of Edinburgh) and Rachel Firth (Employability Consultant, Sheffield Hallam University) presented the experience of careers professionals’ responses to the pandemic. The event attracted a diverse audience, including academics, careers professionals, and representatives from think tanks and employer organisations.
Period16 Jun 2021
Event typeSeminar
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • graduate employment
  • education to work transit