Financial Education and Financial Wellbeing Outreach Programme

Activity: Public Engagement and OutreachEducation Outreach


As part of the BA(Hons) Primary Education programme, I have designed an innovative Vertically Integrated Project module focusing on building meaningful financial education for financial wellbeing. Within this module, Years 2, 3 and 4 student teachers learn about the importance of financial education for financial wellbeing. They also investigate and learn about national curricular expectations of this subject, important policies, UK initiatives, effective teaching and learning approaches and resources. The student teachers build positive partnerships with leaders from organisations such as Scotland's Financial Schools, Scotland's Enterprising Schools and Money Advice Scotland in order to foster these positive collaborations as they progress through their teaching careers.

The student teachers take this learning into primary schools in Scotland where they plan meaningful financial education lessons with primary 1- 7 pupils. The lessons are designed leading from what the children in the classes have asked to learn about money. Some examples of questions that children have asked and the students have taught about include: What types of online scams are there to do with money and how to avoid these,? Can AI be used to make money? What are benefits and how do people get them? How does virtual currency get added to online games, such as Roblox or Minecraft and (my personal favourite from a P1 child) how does the tooth fairy get the money under the pillow?

Positive impact from these sessions is visible within the interaction and engagement of the children and it is also reported by the schools we engage with. So much so that other primary schools in Scotland have asked for us to work with children in their schools to provide financial education.
Period7 Oct 2023 → …
Degree of RecognitionNational


  • Financial Education
  • Financial Wellbeing
  • Meaningful Education
  • Initial Teacher Education