Joint Working Group C4/B4/C1- 604 on "Influence of Embedded HVDC Transmission on System Security and AC Network Performance"Scope: 1. Brief overview of different HVDC technologies, including their technical performance during steady state, dynamics and transient conditions, and the configurations possible, including monopolar, bipolar and multi-terminal schemes. For the purpose of this JWG both thyristor based line commutated converter HVDC and Voltage Sourced Converter HVDC Transmission will be considered. Such an overview will also include the summary of the experience of existing networks with embedded HVDC schemes, including the reasons for choosing this solution. 2. Overview of past work within CIGRE with respect to background documents on HVDC and on their interaction with the AC network. 3. To identify and discuss the various system technical performance issues that need to be considered when an HVDC link is to be embedded within an ac network. 4. Development of a benchmark model that can be used to illustrate the investigation and resolution of AC/DC interaction issues associated with a HVDC link embedded in an AC network. Existing benchmark models can be considered as a starting point, e.g. the one used by B4 for its work on integration of large scale wind generation. 5. Using the benchmark model, provide examples of the AC network performance during and after faults in the HVDC schemes sending and receiving ac systems, DC line faults, partial or full trip of an HVDC scheme, tripping of a parallel AC line. 6. Determine the impact on the system security and system performance in case of the replacement of an AC line with a higher capacity HVDC link, and where relevant discuss potential mitigation measures. 7. Discussion and summary of the benefits that can be derived with respect to overall transfer capability of a combined AC and HVDC transfer link, through the dynamic control of power flow on the HVDC link. 8. Based on the above work, the WG may propose new ways of using HVDC to increase the capability of the AC network.
Period | 1 Dec 2009 → 30 Aug 2012 |
Held at | CIGRE |