Accessing Higher Education: The Experiences of 'Estranged Students' Beyond Entry Point

  • Taylor, Y. (Member of programme committee)
  • Claire Goodfellow (Member of programme committee)

Activity: Participating in or organising an event typesOrganiser of major conference


Organised by the University of Strathclyde in partnership with the Carnegie Trust, and the Society for Research in Higher Education, this event provided an introduction to the field of estrangement within the context of widening participation. Widening participation practitioners, academic researchers, third sector organisations, policy makers and students lead presentations of estrangement, bridging for the gap between research and practice. Discussions considered and questioned concepts and best practices around 'estrangement' within Higher Education as they currently stand and include presentation of the latest findings in the field and from Stand Alone.
Period20 Sept 2018
Event typeConference